6 Major Functions of Staffing

Functions of Staffing

The staff functions mean the support functions that are performed to help the time functions that are directly working towards the achievement of company objectives. The important functions of staffing are explained herein:

  1. Marketing Research
  2. Advertising
  3. Sales Promotion
  4. Merchandising and Product Development
  5. Sales Analysis and Performance Appraisal
  6. Channel Management

Marketing Research

The sales personnel are in direct touch with the customers. They are best aware of their needs and aspirations. Hence, they are the best source of information for conducting marketing research.

This support is given to the marketing department which in turn gives, feedback to the production people and ensures that the goods and services are as per the needs of the customers.


Advertising persuades customers to buy the products. The sates team acts as a booster to the effect of advertisement. They can also help in designing advertisements suiting the aspirations of the people.

Sales Promotion

Sales department is the only tool of implement sales promotion schemes. They ensure that the schemes are passed on to the customers and the channels of distribution do not keep the promotional schemes to themselves. Effective implementation of sales promotion helps in achieving the sales targets.

Merchandising and Product Development

The activity of merchandising and product development needs the vital support of the sales department. They provide the information and other necessary inputs required to carry out this activity.

Sales Analysis and Performance Appraisal

Correct analysis of sales helps in knowing the strengths and weaknesses of the company. If a company is able to perform well it must know its strengths and if it is not able to perform well in the market place. This helps or taking the necessary corrective action and hence achieve the objectives.

Channel Management

Although distribution is often described as the task of logistics department it cannot function with the participation of the sales department.

The sales team helps in building congenial relations between the channel members that are very essential for the success of a company. Even the activity of warehousing, transportation etc. can be made more effective and useful with the help of sales department.

FAQs About the Functions of Staffing

What are the functions of staffing?

These are the functions of staffing:
1. Marketing Research
2. Advertising
3. Sales Promotion
4. Merchandising and Product Development
5. Sales Analysis and Performance Appraisal
6. Channel Management.

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