Electronic Data Interchange (EDI): Meaning, History, Types, Benefits

Electronic Data Interchange

Table of Contents1 What is Electronic Data Interchange?2 History of Electronic Data Interchange3 Types of EDI3.1 Batch EDI3.2 Event Driven EDI3.3 Interactive EDI4 Benefits of EDI in E Commerce4.1 Direct Benefits4.2 Strategic Benefits5 FAQs Section What is Electronic Data Interchange? As its name implies, EDI is exchange/interchange of data (and information) in electronic format (soft

6 Important of E-Commerce Applications | Explained

The popularity of e-commerce has grown in the past few years by leaps and bounds. E-commerce based website are not limited to shopping sites only, rather, they have become popular among many other fields also. The impact of e-commerce on shopping, procurement, business collaborations, after sale services, and customer services as well as on delivery

E-Commerce: Meaning, Definition, Difference, Models

Table of Contents1 What is E-Commerce?2 Definition of E-Commerce3 Difference Between E-commerce and Traditional Commerce4 Types of E-Commerce Models4.1 Business-to-Consumer (B2C)4.2 Business-to-Business (B2B)4.3 Consumer to Consumer (C2C)4.4 Peer-to-Peer (P2P)5 FAQ’s Section What is E-Commerce? Electronic or E-commerce includes all forms of business transactions, such as the purchase of goods or services, undertaken through electronic means,

Convergence in E-Commerce | Multimedia Convergence

Table of Contents1 What is Convergence in E-Commerce?2 Multimedia Convergence3 Convergence in E-Commerce3.1 Convergence of Content3.2 Convergence of Transmission3.3 Convergence of Information What is Convergence in E-Commerce? Convergence is the welding of consumer electronics, television, publishing, telecommunication and computer for the purpose of facilities new forms of information based commerce. Convergence is the concept of

10 Difference Between E-commerce and Traditional Commerce

Table of Contents1 What are the difference between e-commerce and traditional commerce?2 Difference Between E-commerce and Traditional Commerce2.1 Interaction2.2 Immediacy2.3 Lower Returns Rate2.4 Privacy2.5 Identity2.6 Community2.7 Bargaining2.8 Advertisement2.9 Product Cost2.10 Shopping Time What are the difference between e-commerce and traditional commerce? Traditionally, commerce is more than just the trading transactions, it involves a variety of