7 Challenges of Successful Channel Partnership

Challenges of Successful Channel Partnership A successful channel partnership is critical for the continuous growth of the vendors. A strong relationship with channel partners can open the doors to new business opportunities, increased global presence, and an increase in revenue and profits. Most vendors recognize these benefits, but they fail to nurture the channel relationship.

5 Major Principles of Distribution Research

Principles of Distribution Research Distributor research is by far one of the most difficult research. This is because the responses of a distributor may change. Their responses are never stable. One has to be very careful when dealing with the distributor. Some of the principles of distribution research are: Stick to Objectives It is critical

6 Steps of Marketing Research Process

Marketing research is the function that links the consumer, customer, and public to the marketer through information used to identify and define marketing opportunities and problems; generate, refine, and evaluate marketing actions; monitor marketing performance; and improve understanding of marketing as a process. Marketing research specifies the information required to address these issues, designs the

5 Features of Coordination Schemes

Features of Coordination Schemes There are many types of channel coordination schemes, but they are incomplete, and the considered classes are all disjoint. Some of the features of coordination schemes are: Problem Characteristics Many of the distribution models take care of either a one-period horizon or a two-period horizon with forecast updates. In the latter,

15 Importance of Warehousing in Logistics Trends

Importance of Warehousing in Logistics Trends Logistics and warehousing have become areas of increasing importance and relevance worldwide in the 21st century due to the following trends. Let’s look at the importance of warehousing in logistics trends: Space Crunch The increasing need to differentiate, for meeting customer choices means an ever-increasing number of SKUs, which

Manufacturer Based Channel Formats

Manufacturer Based Channel Formats The following are the manufacturer-based channel formats: Manufacturers Direct Products are shipped and serviced from the manufacturer’s warehouse. They are sold by the salesforce or agents of a company. Many manufacturers-direct companies also sell through wholesaler-distributors. License This implies contracting distribution and marketing functions through licensing agreements, usually granting exclusivity for

Benchmarking: Concept, Guidelines, Benefits, 4 Types, Limitations, Process

What is Benchmarking? Benchmarking is a continuous process of evaluation and learning of the best-in-class business practices. The process focuses on the identification of the best performers in the industry, to evaluate those business processes to learn and integrate the practices to enhance the performance of the firm. Learning the factors contributing to the enhanced

Advantages of ERP in Supply Chain Management

Advantages of ERP in Supply Chain Management Notwithstanding the type of supply chain and the products therein, a transparent flow of information across the board is essential. The accurate information flow provides agility in the chain making it responsive to the variations in the market. The advantages of ERP implementation in the supply chain are

7 Elements of Logistics Management and Advantages

Advantages of Logistics Management Logistics is the sum total of materials management and distribution in any process. It includes the whole gamut of activities right from order processing to delivery of goods and services. In this context, logistics find a place in a series of activities in any business process. The advantages of logistics in