Ethical Issues in Business | in Setting a New Business

Ethical Issues in Business

When starting a business, there are numerous ethical and legal issues that must be considered by a business owner. Taking legal and ethical issues into account in the beginning of the businesses doesn’t only ensure quick progress but it also provides business with long-term benefits. Table of Contents1 Ethical Issues in Setting a New Business1.1

Different Types of ESOPs | Explained

Types of ESOPs

Table of Contents1 Types of ESOPs1.1 Incentive Stock Option (ISOs)1.2 Put Option1.3 Non-qualified Stock Option (NSOs)1.4 Sweat Equity Share2 FAQs Section Types of ESOPs There are broadly speaking three types of ESOP options as follows: Incentive Stock Option (ISOs) These are also called qualified stock options because they qualify for having special tax treatment. No

Exit Strategy: Meaning, Importance, Key Steps to Formulating

Table of Contents1 What is Exit Strategy?2 Importance of Exit Strategy2.1 Personal Health Issues or a Family Crises2.2 An Economic Recession2.3 Unexpected Offers2.4 A Clearly Defined Goal2.5 Exit Planning Offers Control2.6 Proactively Develop Business With Future in Mind2.7 Need Time to Prepare2.8 Enhances Value of Business3 Key Steps to Formulating an Exit Strategy3.1 Consider Your

Key to Success | Need for Business Planning

Table of Contents1 Need for Developing Business Plan2 Need for Business Planning2.1 To prove that you’re serious about your business2.2 To establish business milestones2.3 To better understand your competition2.4 To better understand your customer2.5 To enunciate previously unstated assumptions2.6 To assess the feasibility of your venture2.7 To document revenue model2.8 To determine financial needs2.9 To

Cultural Environment in Business and Factors

Table of Contents1 What is Cultural Environment in Business?2 Factors of Cultural Environment in Business2.1 Cultural Structure2.2 Cultural Aspirations What is Cultural Environment in Business? General perception about entrepreneurship development is that it is based on cultural and ethical values. People generally believe that success or failure of an individual or an enterprise is totally

Social Environment of Business and Factors

Table of Contents1 What is Social Environment of Business?2 Factors of Social Environment in Business2.1 Social Structure2.2 Social Values and Conventions2.3 Consumer’s Opinion2.4 Labor Motives3 FAQs Section What is Social Environment of Business? Social environment prepares background for entrepreneurial activities. Today business is regarded as a social institution. It forms an integral part of the

Technological Environment of Business and Factors

Table of Contents1 What is Technological Environment of Business?2 Factors of Technological Environment of Business2.1 Better Utilization of Productive Resources2.2 Increase in Competition Capacity2.3 Risk Efficiency2.4 Improvement in Profitability2.5 Improvement in Productivity3 FAQs Section What is Technological Environment of Business? Technological forces constitute the technological environment. These forces include the expertise, procedures and systems used

Economic Environment in Business and Factors

Table of Contents1 What is Economic Environment?2 Factors of Economic Environment in Business2.1 Availability of Economic Resources2.2 Economic Conditions2.3 Economic Policies2.4 Labor Policies2.5 Trade Policy2.6 Tariff Policy2.7 Incentives2.8 Subsidies3 FAQs Section What is Economic Environment? Economic environment refers to all those economic factors which have a bearing on the functioning of a business unit. Business