Legal Environment in Business and Factors

Table of Contents1 What is Legal Environment?2 Factors of Legal Environment2.1 Determining Areas2.2 Regulation of Entrepreneurial Functions2.3 Regulating Results of Entrepreneurial Activities2.4 Regulating Relationship among various Segment of Economy3 FAQs Section What is Legal Environment? In practice, Government regulates all important components of the economy. Government generally tries to control the entry, working, selection of

Political Environment in Business and Factors

Table of Contents1 What is Political Environment?2 Factors of Political Environment2.1 Political Philosophy2.2 Political Atmosphere2.3 Quality of Leadership3 FAQs Section What is Political Environment? Political environment is concerned with general stability of the country in which an enterprise is expected to perform and the political philosophy of party in power towards business. Political forces define

History of Entrepreneurship From 1700 A.D. to Present

Table of Contents1 Meaning of Entrepreneurship2 History of Entrepreneurship2.1 Earliest Period2.2 Middle Ages2.3 17th Century2.4 18th Century2.5 19th and 20th Century Meaning of Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship means the willingness of an individual to start a new business venture by taking risk and managing it in this technology enabled competitive global environment. The entrepreneurs are passionate to

19 Business Opportunities in Various Sectors

Table of Contents1 Business Opportunities in Various Sectors1.1 Textiles1.2 Software1.3 Tourism1.4 Engineering Goods1.5 Automobile1.6 Ayurveda and Traditional Medicines1.7 Packaging1.8 Healthcare Sector1.9 Media1.10 Floriculture1.11 Toys1.12 Biotechnology1.13 Recycling Business1.14 Energy Solutions1.15 Organic Farming1.16 Corporate Demands1.17 Social Ventures1.18 Franchising1.19 Education and Training2 FAQs Business Opportunities in Various Sectors There are innumerable opportunities exist in the business environment but

11 Entrepreneurial Motivation Factors | Explanation

Table of Contents1 Entrepreneurial Motivation Factors1.1 Education Background1.2 Family Background1.3 Desire to do Something New1.4 Business Experience1.5 Government Assistance and Support1.6 Encouragement From Big Business Houses1.7 Easy Availability of Raw Materials and Labor1.8 Profit Margins1.9 Promising Demand of Product or Service1.10 Job Security1.11 Social Prestige2 FAQs Section Entrepreneurial Motivation Factors Entrepreneurial motivation is important because

Top 10 Entrepreneurs in India Who Changed the Face of Corporate

Table of Contents1 Top 10 Entrepreneurs in India1.1 Cowasjee Nanabhal Davar: The Inspiration To Invest1.2 Sir Jamset Nusserwanji Tata: The Father of India’s Industrial Revolution1.3 V.O. Chidambaram Pillai: The Steamships That Cried Freedom1.4 Rai Bahadur Mohan Singh Oberoi: The Brown Sahib’s Opportunity1.5 Henning Hock Larsen: The Dane Who Never Went Home1.6 Dr. Verghese Kurien: Father

4 Tax Benefits to Small-Scale Industries

Table of Contents1 Tax Benefits to Small-Scale Industries1.1 Tax Holiday1.2 Depreciation Allowance1.3 Development Rebate1.4 Rehabilitation Allowance2 FAQs Section Tax Benefits to Small-Scale Industries Tax benefits for small-scale industries vary depending on the country and its specific tax laws and regulations. However, many countries offer various incentives and exemptions to support the growth and development of

4 Components of Working Capital Management

Table of Contents1 What is Working Capital Management?2 Components of Working Capital Management2.1 Management of Cash2.2 Management of Inventory2.3 Management of Accounts receivable2.4 Management of Accounts Payable3 FAQs Section What is Working Capital Management? Working capital management refers to all aspects of the administration of both current assets and current liabilities. The basic objective here

7 Steps in a Sample Survey | Explained

Table of Contents1 What is a Sample Survey?2 Steps in a Sample Survey2.1 Define Target Population2.2 Select Sampling Scheme and Sample Size2.3 Develop Questionnaire2.4 Recruit and Train Field Investigators2.5 Obtain Information as Per Questionnaire2.6 Scrutinize Information Gathered2.7 Analyze and Interpret Information3 FAQs Section What is a Sample Survey? A sample survey is a research method