5 Approaches of HRM

What are the Approaches of HRM?

There are five approaches of HRM to strategic planning, each of which has important implications for the design and delivery of HR practices including cultural, talent, communications, performance management, and leadership development.

Approaches of HRM
Approaches of HRM

Approaches of HRM

HRM helps in creating a better understanding between employees and management. Which helps workers in accomplishing individual and organizational goals. This approach of HRM has been attracting the attention of management professionals in the last decade or so.

These are the approaches of HRM which are explained below:

  1. Better Industrial Relations
  2. Develop Organisational Commitment
  3. Coping with Changing Environment
  4. Change in Political Philosophy
  5. Increased Pressure on Employees
5 Approaches of HRM
5 Approaches of HRM

Better Industrial Relations

There is widespread unrest, strained worker-management relations, lack of confidence in each other, rising expectations of workers, the emergence of militancy in trade unions, etc. These factors have created a gap between workers and management. Both sides are talking of exploitation by either side.

In the absence of cordiality in an organization, the performance of workers is adversely affected. HRM approach is required to create proper understanding among workers and management. The workers are developed to meet their individual and organizational objectives.

The workers are convinced that various managerial actions will help them in accomplishing their motives besides helping the organization.

Develop Organisational Commitment

There is a humanization of the work environment in industrialized countries like Japan, the U.S.A., Germany, etc., and other countries. Globalization of the economy has exposed Indian industries to international competition.

An improvement in efficiency and quality of work can come only when workers develop organizational commitment. Approaches of HRM help in creating a sense of pride for the organization among the workforce.

Coping with Changing Environment

The business environment is rapidly changing. Technological improvements have revolutionized production procedures. Automation has been introduced in office operations. Better communication channels have revolutionized vital areas of business.

There is a need to cope with new and changing situations. The operational efficiency of employees must improve to face the new situation. There is a need for a new approach to manpower.

Change in Political Philosophy

Political Philosophy has undergone a change all over the world. The new approach is to develop human resources properly for making their better use. In India, Central Government has named a Ministry of Human Resource Development and put it under the charge of a Cabinet Minister.

This development shows the importance given to human resources. So there is a need for a human approach to the workforce.

Increased Pressure on Employees

Technological changes have necessitated the use of sophisticated machines. The installation, monitoring of machines, maintenance, and controlling of operations need trained and skillful people. There is a regular need for training and developing people for coping with emerging situations.

Human resource development has become essential for every organization. Research and fresh initiatives in the industry require a new policy of human resource development.

FAQ Related to Approaches of HRM

What are the needs of HRM?

These are the following reasons why we need HRM:
1. Planning
2. Organizing
3. Directing
4. Controlling
5. Job Analysis
6. Recruitment
7. Training
8. Job Design
9. Work Scheduling
10. Motivation
11. Job Evaluation
12. Performance Appraisal etc.

How many HRM approaches are there?

There are five approaches of HRM to strategic planning, each of which has important implications for the design and delivery of HR practices including cultural, talent, communications, performance management, and leadership development.

What are the approaches of HRM?

Following are the approaches of HRM which are explained below:
1. Better Industrial Relations
2. Develop Organisational Commitment
3. Coping with Changing Environment
4. Change in Political Philosophy
5. Increased Pressure on Employees etc.

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