Financial Problems of Merger and Acquisition

After mergers and consolidation, the companies face a number of financial problems. The liquidity of the companies has to be established afresh. The merging and consolidating companies pursue their own financial policies when they are working independently. A number of adjustments are required to be made in financial planning and policies so that consolidated efforts

Interpretation of Ratios

What is the Interpretation of Ratios? The interpretation of ratios is an important factor. Though the calculation of ratios is also important but it is only a clerical task whereas interpretation needs skill, intelligence, and foresightedness. The inherent limitations of ratio analysis should be kept in mind while interpreting them. The impact of factors such

Application of Funds

In financial terms, the “application of funds” refers to how a company or an individual uses its financial resources or funds. These funds could come from various sources including operations, investments, borrowings, or owner’s equity. When funds are applied, they can be used for various purposes. The application of funds is typically detailed in a

Inventory Management: Definitions, Types, Objectives, Techniques, Factors, Need for Inventory

What is Inventory? Inventory refers to the goods or materials that a business holds for the ultimate goal of resale (in the case of a product business) or repair (in the case of a service business). Inventory management is a crucial aspect of running a successful business, as it involves the constant monitoring of inventory

6 Major Benefits of Holding Inventory

Benefits of Holding Inventory Primarily, inventory is held for transaction purposes. Today’s inventory is tomorrow’s consumption. An enterprise cannot ensure uninterrupted production unless it maintains an adequate inventory of raw materials. By holding inventories the firm is able to separate the processes of purchasing, producing, and selling. By doing the separation of these functions. The