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What is Flowcharts Programming?
The first design of the flowchart goes back to 1945 which was designed by John Von Neumann. Unlike an algorithm, Flowchart uses different symbols to design a solution to a problem. It is another commonly used programming tool.

By looking at a Flowchartone can understand the operations and sequence of operations performed in a system. Flowcharts are often considered as a blueprint of a design used for solving specific problems.
Table of Contents
The flowchart is a diagram that visually presents the flow of data through processing systems. That means by seeing a flow chart one can know the operations performed and the sequence of these operations in a system. Algorithms are nothing but a sequence of steps for solving problems.
So a flow chart can be used for representing an algorithm. A flowchart will describe the operations (and in what sequence) are required to solve a given problem. You can see a flow chart as a blueprint of a design you have made for solving a problem.
Advantages of Flowchart
Flowcharts are beneficial in many ways in program planning. Let’s discuss the advantages of flowchart:
- Better Communication
- Effective Analysis
- Effective Synthesis
- Efficient Coding
- Proper Documentation
- Efficient Program Maintenance

Better Communication
Since a flowchart is a pictorial representation of a program, it is easier for a programmer to explain the logic of the program to some other programmer through a flowchart rather than the program itself.
A Flowchart can be used as a better way of communicating the logic of a system and steps involved in the solution, to all concerned particularly to the client of the system.
Effective Analysis
The whole program can be analyzed effectively through the flowchart as it clearly specifies the flow of the steps constituting the program. A flowchart of a problem can be used for effective analysis of the problem.
Effective Synthesis
If a problem is divided into different modules and the solution for each module is represented in flowcharts separately, they can finally be placed together to visualize the overall system design.
Efficient Coding
Once a flowchart is ready, programmers find it very easy to write the concerned program because the flowchart acts as a road map for them. It guides them to go from the starting point of the program to the final point ensuring that no steps are omitted.
Proper Documentation
Program flowcharts are a vital part of good program documentation. Program document is used for various purposes like knowing the components in the program, the complexity of the program, etc.
Efficient Program Maintenance
Once a program is developed and becomes operational it needs time to time maintenance. With help of a flowchart, maintenance becomes easier.
Disadvantages of Flowcharts
In spite of their many obvious advantages, flowcharts have some limitations:

Time Consuming
Flowcharts are very time-consuming and laborious to draw with proper symbols and spacing, especially for large complex algorithms.
Difficult to Show Branching and Looping
Difficult to alter the flowchart. Sometimes, the designer needs to redraw the complete flowchart to change the logic of the flowchart or to alter the flowchart.
Owing to the symbol-string nature of flowcharting, any change or modification in the logic of the algorithm usually requires a completely new flowchart.
It is Visualization Program
It is just a visualization of a program, it cannot function as an actual program.
There are no standards determining the amount of detail that should be included in a flowchart.
FAQ About Advantages and Disadvantages of Flowcharts
What are the advantages and disadvantages of flow chart?
there are a number of advantages of flowchart:
1. Flowcharts are easy to understand.
2. Flowcharts are beneficial in many ways in program planning. Like better communication, effective analysis, effective synthesis, efficient coding, proper documentation, efficient program Maintenance.
What are the 3 benefits of using flowchart?
Benefit 1: Better Communication: A Flowchart can be used as a better way of communicating the logic of a system and steps involved in the solution, to all concerned particularly to the client of the system.
Benefit 2: Effective Analysis: Using flowchart problems can be analyzed more efficiently.
Benefit 3: Documentation of Program: Program flowcharts are a vital part of good program documentation.
Which of the following is limitation of flowchart?
1. Flowcharts are very time-consuming and laborious to draw with proper symbols and spacing, especially for large complex algorithms.
2. Owing to the symbol-string nature of flowcharting, any change or modification in the logic of the algorithm usually requires a completely new flowchart.
3. There are no standards determining the amount of detail that should be included in a flowchart.
What is a flowchart in computer programming?
The flowchart is a diagram that visually presents the flow of data through processing systems. This means by seeing a flow chart one can know the operations performed and the sequence of these operations in a system. Algorithms are nothing but a sequence of steps for solving problems.