National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC)

National Small Industries Corporation

The NSIC was constituted in the year 1955 with a view to promoting, aiding and fostering the growth of small scale industries in the country with focus on commercial aspects of the these functions.

NSIC continues to implement its various programmes and projects throughout the country to assist the SSI units. The Corporation has been assisting the sector through the following schemes and activities:

  1. Composite Term Loan Scheme
  2. Hire Purchase Scheme
  3. Equipment Leasing
  4. Working Capital Finance
  5. Raw Material Assistance
  6. Marketing Support Programme
  7. Tender Marketing
  8. Integrated Marketing Support
  9. Government Stores Purchase Programme
  10. Technology Up Gradation
  11. Software Technology Parks

Composite Term Loan Scheme

To promote small-scale sector, NSIC has launched a Composite Term Loan Scheme for the benefit of existing and prospective entrepreneurs to acquire land and building, machinery and equipment and working capital under one roof to the tiny units.

Hire Purchase Scheme

Supply of indigenous and imported machinery and equipment on each financial terms with special focus on women entrepreneurs, weaker sections, handicapped and ex- servicemen and SC/ST entrepreneurs.

Equipment Leasing

It is done mainly to facilitate SMEs to expand their capacities or diversify and/or upgrade their technology according to the needs of the market.

Working Capital Finance

This Scheme aims at augmenting working capital of viable and well managed units, on selective basis in case of emergent requirements in enable them to pay-off their purchase of consumable stores, spares and production related overheads particularly electricity bills, statutory dues.

Raw Material Assistance

It facilitates availability of scarce raw material either through the domestic market or by importing.

Marketing Support Programme

NSIC has been trying to act as a major agency to bring SMEs closer to various Governmental purchasing agencies with the intending of creating confidence in the purchasing agencies about SMEs, and their capabilities to supply goods and services of requisite quality economic prices and adherence to agreed delivery scheduling.

Tender Marketing

To participate in bulk global tender on behalf of Small Scale Industrial Enterprises. It is a immediate assisting SSI’s with the ability to manufacture quality products but which lack brand equity & credibility or have limited financial capabilities.

Integrated Marketing Support

NSIC has been operating an Integrated Marketing Support Programme in which bills pertaining to supplies made by small scale units to eligible purchasers are discounted by NSIC up to a certain specified limited.

Government Stores Purchase Programme

The units registered with the Corporation for participation in government purchase programme are considered at or with individual purchase organisations and derive all the benefits like free supply of tender forms, exemption form payment of earnest money, security deposits, etc.

Technology Up Gradation

Excellent technical support is provided to SSIs/SMEs through five NSIC-Technical Service Centres. These centres have been recognised by Council of Scientific and Industrial Research for in-house R&D. NSIC has set up a Technology Transfer Centre.

The latest information is provided to on-line connections and networks of computers on matching technology seekers and technology providers are arranged through the Technology Transfer Centre.

Software Technology Parks

NSIC has set up a NSIC-STP Complex under Software Technology Parks of India (STPI). Software Technology Parks facilitates small scale units to establish their units for the 100% export of software and also act as the major point activate software exports directly through NSIC.

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