Functions of Office Management

Functions of Office Management

Management is the planning, organizing, and controlling of the total business activities and the directing or motivating (leading) of the people working in the organization so that the use of 6 “M’s” such as men, money, materials, machinery, methods and minutes, i.e., time, which results in the efficient achievement of planned goals or objectives.

These are the functions of office management:

  1. Planning of Office Activities
  2. Organizing Office Work
  3. Motivating and Directing
  4. Communicating
  5. Controlling Office Activities

Planning of Office Activities

The Office manager lays down objectives or goals in each area of office management; communicates these objectives to his subordinates; and plans a suitable office layout and necessary organization structure based on objectives, policies, organization, and operations.

The objective of office work is to offer economical, accurate, speedy, and timely most efficient clerical services to all the executive departments. They are also involved in formulating policies and procedures regarding all office activities.

Organizing Office Work

The Office Manager will analyze office activities and then the work is classified or divided into manageable activities and jobs.

These jobs/activities are grouped into an organization structure and then the office manager will select people to perform different office work and management of the same will be done in different units or departments and he train them for jobs to be done in each department. Office managers also have to organize the physical facilities and equipment for performing the office work, such as office layout, furniture, equipment, office machines, etc.

Motivating and Directing

The office manager must have leadership qualities to motivate and communicate with different teams who are responsible for various jobs. The power of an office manager exists for working with or through people but not over them.

The office manager needs to induce people to offer voluntary cooperation in office work by making use of means such as incentives and rewards for successful work; sound promotion policy; proper motivation and leadership to get things done through and with other people.


The office manager should ensure a constant flow of information through suitable communication techniques and processes.

The communication may be horizontal and vertical or upward and downward in an organization but effective communication is necessary to maintain adequate job knowledge, to carry out methods of instruction, and to keep employees up-to-date on current information and possible changes.

Controlling Office Activities

Office managers must prepare a budget and remain accountable for the quality and quantity of work as per budget. Office managers need to maintain speed, accuracy, and duality of work; must meet deadlines by following set standards and by measuring and comparing the results.

He also makes an attempt to control the cost factors of office services by checking the execution of plans and applying corrective measures to remove deviations and deficiencies found in the performance of employees. Effective control can reduce the cost of office services (Sherlekar, 2003).

FAQs Section About the Functions of Office Management

What are the functions of office management?

The following are the major functions of office management:
1. Planning of Office Activities
2. Organizing Office Work
3. Motivating and Directing
4. Communicating
5. Controlling Office Activities.

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