10 Functions of Communication

Communicating with other individuals is an integral part of the lives of the individuals. Throughout one’s life, communication is regarded as the fundamental aspect that facilities the implementation of various tasks and activities, the achievement of personal and professional goals and the enrichment of the overall quality of life of the individuals. Communication has important functions to play.

The primary function of communication is to share ideas, viewpoints, perspectives and exchange information with others. Apart from this function, there are other functions as well. When the individuals, belonging to various age groups, occupations, categories and backgrounds are communicating with each other in an effective manner, they generate feelings of pleasure and contentment.

In order to put into operation all the functions of communication in an efficacious manner, the individuals need to make sure, they are well-aware in terms of methods and approaches, which are needed to make these functions meaningful and advantageous

Functions of Communication

The functions of communication have meaning and significance. In order to acquire an understanding of the meaning and significance of functions of communication, there are various objectives, which need to be understood.

These are the following given below:

  1. Informing
  2. Persuading
  3. Integrating
  4. Creating Relationships
  5. Help in Making Selections between Alternatives
  6. Improving Connections
  7. Reducing Misunderstandings
  8. Solving Problems
  9. Evaluating
  10. Making Decisions


Informing messages to others is regarded as the principal function of communication. It is done verbally or non-verbally. Verbal messages can be oral or written. Whereas, non-verbal messages are conveyed through the use of body language, gestures, postures and so forth (The Business Communication, 2020).

When the individuals are informing others, they may do so in a rapid manner or leisurely. Informing can be done by superiors to the subordinates or vice-versa. When the messages are negative, then they may not be informed rapidly, whereas, positive and pleasant messages are informed in a rapid manner.

Therefore, it is an important objective, which imparts information in terms of meaning and significance of functions of communication.


Persuading is referred to making someone do or believe something, by giving them a valid and genuine reason to do it. Persuading can be encouraged through effective communication (Persuade, 2020). It is implemented among individuals within homes, educational institutions and employment settings.

In this case, the superiors persuade their subordinates to carry out their job duties in an effective manner, so they are able to achieve the desired goals and objectives. The subordinates also persuade the superiors to accept their ideas and perspectives. Particularly, when the individuals have worked diligently and conscientiously, they desire that their instructors and supervisors accept their ideas and viewpoints.

This objective is put into operation in most cases. Therefore, it can be stated, persuading is an important objective, which conveys information in terms of meaning and significance of functions of communication.


It is comprehensively understood that individuals cannot work in seclusion. In order to carry out one’s job duties in a well-organized manner and achieve the desired goals and objectives, the individuals need to work in integration with each other. When they work in integration, they are able to benefit in a number of ways.

These include obtaining help and assistance from others in providing solutions to their problems, exchanging ideas and perspectives, creating amicable terms and relationships with others and forming a sociable working environment. This needs to be taken into account by the individuals, throughout their job duties.

Therefore, it can be stated, integrating is an important objective, which conveys information in terms of meaning and significance of functions of communication.

Creating Relationships

Relationships are not only created among the individuals within the households but individuals are also required to form terms and relationships with each other in educational institutions and employment settings. From the stage of early childhood, individuals are provided information in terms of the significance of creating relationships.

Creating relationships are regarded as the key that would facilitate the achievement of desired goals and objectives. Effective communication is regarded as the foundation for the creation of relationships. When the individuals will communicate with each other in a respectful and polite manner, they will be able to render a significant contribution in creating relationships.

Therefore, it can be stated, creating relationships is an important objective, which conveys information in terms of meaning and significance of functions of communication.

Help in Making Selections between Alternatives

In some cases, the individuals have more than one alternative available and they need to make a selection of one. When the alternatives are selected, it needs to be ensured that they prove to be beneficial to the individuals. When individuals need help in making selections between alternatives, they usually are required to obtain help from others.

Obtaining help from others require the implementation of communication processes in an effective manner. Therefore, it can be stated, obtaining help in making selections between alternatives is an important objective, which conveys information in terms of meaning and significance of functions of communication

Improving Connections

Through communication, the individuals contribute to improving connections with others. Improving connections is vital not only with family members but also with other individuals, within educational institutions, employment settings and the community.

From the stage of early childhood, the individuals realize that outside their home also there is a world, with which they need to communicate. One of the important benefits of improving connections is, it leads to improvement in one’s overall life. Hence, throughout their lives, individuals need to pay attention to improving connections with others.

Therefore, it can be stated, improving connections is an important objective, through which information is imparted in terms of meaning and significance of functions of communication.

Reducing Misunderstandings

In some cases, misunderstandings take place among individuals and they are required to solve them. These are regarded as major impediments within the course of the formation of sociable relationships. Effective communication is regarded as one of the indispensable aspects that are used to cause a reduction in misunderstandings.

When one feels that he or she is being misunderstood by others, they provide them explanations and eliminate misunderstandings. Furthermore, it is vital for individuals to establish positive thinking and generate adequate awareness.

Therefore, causing a reduction in misunderstandings is also regarded as one of the important objectives, through which information is conveyed in terms of meaning and significance of functions of communication.

Solving Problems

Problems are regarded as an integral part of the lives of the individuals, irrespective of their occupations, status, categories and backgrounds. In some cases, they are minor, which one is able to solve on their own. Whereas, in other cases, they are major, which require the individuals to obtain help and assistance from others.

When the problems are major and require the individuals to obtain help and assistance from others, they need to ensure, they implement the communication processes in a well-organized manner. When the individuals are providing assistance, it is vital to put into practice the suggestions in a sufficient manner.

Hence, communicating in order to provide solutions to problems is regarded as one of the indispensable objectives, which imparts information in terms of meaning and significance of functions of communication.


Evaluating is referred to the implementation of measures and strategies, which are necessary to assess the performance of the individuals. In educational institutions as well as within employment settings, the teachers, instructors and supervisors put into operation the methods to evaluate the performance of the students and employees.

When evaluation methods are put into operation, the individuals need to communicate with each other. It has the main objective of identifying the flaws and inconsistencies and bring about improvements. In educational institutions, the main evaluating methods are, class assignments, homework assignments, tests, competitions, quizzes and so forth. Whereas, in organizations, these are, job duties, presentations, projects, reports and so forth.

Therefore, evaluating is regarded as one of the important objectives, which conveys information in terms of meaning and significance of functions of communication.

Making Decisions

The individuals, who are in leadership positions are vested with the authority to make decisions. When they need to make decisions, which prove to be meaningful and advantageous to organizations, on the whole, they need to seek ideas and suggestions from others as well.

In such cases, there are an organization of discussion meetings, which enable the individuals to obtain ideas and suggestions from others. Therefore, in order to make worthwhile and meaningful decisions, the individuals communicate with each other in order to obtain ideas and suggestions. As effective communication will facilitate the making of wise and productive decisions, which would be worthwhile and useful to the individuals and organizations as a whole.

Therefore, it can be stated, making decisions is an important objective, which conveys information in terms of meaning and significance of functions of communication.

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