Human Communication: Meaning, Origins, Stages, and Types

Human Communication

What is Human Communication? Human communication is the exchange of information between two or more human beings, whether verbal (in speech and writing) or nonverbal. The study of this field involves contributions from psychology, social science, computer science, logic, and linguistics. Human communication is the field dedicated to understanding how humans communicate. Human communication is

Scope of Business Communication

Scope of Business Communication

Scope of Business Communication Apart from different forms and types of communication (non-verbal, verbal, written, audio-visual) one can also look at the scope of business communication. In modern business, the quantum nature of communication is changing. Business communication is utility oriented. Today business is being influenced and influencing various segments, such as its clientele, society,

10 Characteristics of Mass Communication

Characteristics of Mass Communication These are the main characteristics of mass communication explained below: Large Number of Audience In mass communication, the number of receivers or audience members is relatively large and considerably innumerable. Heterogeneity In this type of communication, the audience is relatively heterogeneous. That means much more heterogeneous than public communication and much

8 Elements of Mass Communication

8 Elements of Mass Communication Since mass communication is a type of communication, so the elements of communication will be the same as that of mass communication, i.e., source, encoding, message channels, decoding, receiver, noise, and feedback. But the elements of mass communication will be explained specially and distinctively in the context of mass. The

8 Functions of Mass communication

Functions of Mass communication

8 Functions of Mass communication The primary functions of mass communication are (a) Information (b) Education (c) Entertainment and Recreation (d) Persuasion. The secondary functions of mass communication are (a) the Watchdog function and (b) the torch-bearing Function. The watchdog function relates to surveillance and the torch-bearing function relates to a correlation, cultural transmission, and

17 Ways to Overcome Barriers to Communication

Ways to Overcome Barriers to Communication In view of the importance of business communication, it is essential to curb the barriers to communication. Following are some of the important ways to overcome barriers to communication: Clarity of Ideas The sender of the message should be clear in his mind about the message that he wants

7 Types of Barriers of Communication

Types of Barriers of Communication

What are the Barriers of Communication? The process of communication is a complex one. When a message is sent by a sender to the receiver, it may be possible that it is not effectively understood by the receiver in the same sense as the sender intended to. There may be several causes for its ineffectiveness.

Media of Communication: Definitions, Types and Examples

What is Media of Communication? Media of communication refer to the ways, means, or channels of transmitting messages from the sender to the receiver. Media of communication indicate the use of verbal or non-verbal language in the process of communication. Without a language, none can communicate. Whenever communication takes place, media are used there. In

Advantages and Disadvantages of Oral Communication

Advantages and Disadvantages of Oral Communication

Advantages and Disadvantages of Oral Communication These are the advantages and disadvantages of oral communication explained below: Advantages of Oral Communication The advantages of oral communication are as follows: Immediate Transmission Oral Communication provides immediate feedback and clarification. People listening to the speaker can ask questions and makes comments to add to the clarification. People