Target Group: Development Program

What is Target Group?

In an entrepreneurial development programme, the target group refers to the group of persons for whom the programme is designed and undertaken. Every target group has its own needs and constraints. Therefore, the programme designed for one group might be inappropriate for other groups.

Target Group

Before the programme is designed and started the target group to be trained must be clearly identified. An executive development programme may be organized for any of the following target groups:

  1. Technical and Other Qualified Persons
  2. Ex-Servicemen
  3. Business Executives
  4. Women Entrepreneurs
  5. S.C. and S.T. Entrepreneurs

Technical and Other Qualified Persons

This group consists of persons who have pursued technical and allied courses of study. For instance, degree/diploma holders in science, engineering and technology generally come under important groups in India.

The Government and Semi-Government agencies/institutions operate special entrepreneurial development programmes and schemes of assistance for this group. The training programme for such people may be designed to enable and assist them in setting up their own manufacturing units.

The industries selected for this purpose may be directly related to their qualifications and experience. For example, graduates in electronics may be trained to establish and operate successful plants for manufacturing TV sets, videos, and other electronic items.


Persons who have retired from the Army, navy and air force constitute an important group for entrepreneurial training. These persons have acquired many useful skills and experience during their service period. They tend to be highly disciplined, hardworking, and innovative.

Therefore, they can become successful entrepreneurs after proper entrepreneurial training. The Government of India provides special facilities and preferences in order to rehabilitate them. So many times they retire before time and their efficiency level is still high. Which can be utilised. Many ex-servicemen are successfully operating their own manufacturing, training and service enterprises in the country.

Business Executives

Some business executives want to start their own independent enterprises after getting sufficient business experience. Some of them have certain innovative ideas which they are not able to try in their existing firms due to lack of sufficient autonomy or authority.

Some of them are not satisfied with their present economic and social status. After entrepreneurial training, senior business executives can become successful entrepreneurs. They already possess knowledge of management. What they need is training and support for launching their own enterprises.

Women Entrepreneurs

Women are entering the world of business in increasing numbers, especially in traditional food processing industries like spices, agarbati, papad, sauces, etc. Several government and non-government organizations e.g. FICCI Ladies Organisation, etc. are, therefore, organizing, entrepreneurial training programmes for women.

S.C. and S.T. Entrepreneurs

The Government of India is committed to the upliftment of scheduled castes (S.C.) and scheduled Tribes (S.T). Therefore, specified percentages of jobs have been reserved for these castes.

But all persons from these groups cannot be offered employment. Therefore, providing self-employment is useful for their economic and social development. Government agencies give preference to S.C. and S.T. entrepreneurs in providing finance and other necessary facilities.

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