Process of Coordination

Process of Coordination
Process of Coordination

Process of Coordination

Coordination cannot be achieved through orders. It is a process which can be achieved through managerial functions. It is a by-product of good management. When all the functions are carried out properly then coordination will come by itself.

These are the steps of the process of coordination:

  1. Through Planning
  2. Through Organisation
  3. Through Directing
  4. Through Controlling
  5. Through Staffing
  6. Through Proper Communication
Process of Coordination
Process of Coordination

Through Planning

Planning is the elementary stage of achieving coordination. When various functions are properly planned and various policies are integrated then coordination will be easily achieved.

If the production manager is to plan for his development then it will be better to consult the purchase manager, personnel manager, finance manager, and sales manager also. When production is planned with the consent of other concerned managers then coordination takes place at the planning level.

If other managers feel some difficulties then they will explain it and mutually accepted decisions will resolve the differences. Coordination can certainly be achieved at the planning stage. According to Mary Follett, the planning stage is the ideal time to bring about coordination and they must see to it that various plans are properly interrelated.

Through Organisation

Coordination is an essential part of the organisation. Mooney considers coordination as the very essence of the organisation. When manager groups and assigns various activities to subordinates, the thought of co-ordination will be uppermost in his mind.

The related activities are placed together to avoid delays and confusion. In the process of organisation, the authority and responsibility of various persons are defined and even the relationship among different jobs is also specifically given.

The whole process of the organisation will lead to effective coordination. A well-thought-out organisation will ultimately lead to coordination.

Through Directing

When a manager directs his subordinates he will be coordinating their work. He will give them directions, guidelines and instructions for doing a job assigned to them. He will direct in such a way that the achievement of overall organisational objectives is ensured.

The manager should use a group system to take decisions. Everybody should be free to express his opinion. This will create a sort of moral binding on the employees to work for the proper implementation of these decisions.

The coordination work of the manager will also become easy. So, the direction of employees will also lead to coordination.

Through Controlling

The manager is required to control the work of everyone in the organisation so that all efforts are directed towards the main goals. There may be instances when the performance of subordinates is not up to the mark or it is not in the direction in which it should have been.

The manager will take corrective measures as and when required. He will synchronise the work of his subordinates so that the goals are achieved easily.

The controlling function itself will facilitate coordination because it will require the evaluation of the performance of subordinates and will enable the manager to make changes if there are deviations between the standards set and the results achieved.

Through Staffing

The staffing function can also help in proper coordination. While staffing, the manager should keep in mind the nature of jobs and the type of persons required for managing them.

He should ensure the right number of executives in various positions for the proper performance of their functions. The executives are of such quality or are given such training that they are able to co-operate and co-ordinate their efforts.

Through Proper Communication

Effective communication is of utmost importance for achieving better coordination. There should be a regular flow of information among various persons so that they are given the required information for proper coordination. Personal contact is the most effective type of communication.

Other methods like reports, procedures, bulletins, etc., can also be used properly. The development of data processing devices is of utmost use for facilitating quick communication. The subordinates must get proper information at the right time for enabling them to coordinate their work.

According to Newman, “Since coordination is concerned with the inter-relationships of separate activities, it can be no better than the transfer of information about those activities to some common point or points, where the dovetailing takes place.”

FAQ Related to the Process of Coordination

What are the steps of the process of coordination?

The following are the steps involved in the process of coordination:
1. Through Planning
2. Through Organisation
3. Through Directing
4. Through Controlling
5. Through Staffing
6. Through Proper Communication.

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