Nature of Staffing: Importance of Staffing

Nature of Staffing
Nature of Staffing

Nature of Staffing

These are the nature of staffing:

  1. People-Centred
  2. Responsibility of Manager
  3. Human Skills
  4. Continuous Function
Nature of Staffing
Nature of Staffing


Staffing can broadly view as a people-centred function and therefore it is relevant for all types of organisations. It is concerned with categories of personnel from top to bottom of the organisation.

  • Blue Collar Workers
  • Managerial and Non-Managerial Personal.
  • Professionals

Responsibility of Manager

Staffing is the basic function of management which involves the manager being continuously engaged in performing the staffing function.

They are actively associated with the recruitment, selection, training, and appraisal of their subordinates. Therefore the activities are performed by the chief executive, departmental managers and foremen in relation to their subordinates.

Human Skills

The staffing function is mainly concerned with different types of training and development of human resources and therefore managers should use human relation skills in providing guidance and training to the subordinates.

If the staffing function is performed properly, then the human relations in the organisation will be cordial and mutually performed in an organised manner.

Continuous Function

The staffing function is to be performed continuously which is equally important for a new and well-established organisation. In a newly established organisation, there has to be recruitment, selection, and training of personnel.

As we compare that, the organisation which is already a running organisation, then at that place every manager is engaged in various staffing activities. Therefore, he is responsible for managing all the workers in order to get work done for the accomplishment of the overall objectives of an organisation.

Importance of Staffing

The importance of staffing can be explained with the help of the followings:

  1. Key to Other Managerial Functions
  2. Building Healthy Human Relationships
  3. Human Resources Development
  4. Long Term Effect
  5. Potential Contribution

Key to Other Managerial Functions

It is seen that function of staffing is closely related to managerial business areas which influence direction and control in an organisation.

Building Healthy Human Relationships

It builds required manpower relationships in an organisation. With smooth human relations, excellent coordination and communication take place.

Human Resources Development

For any business establishment, hardworking and skilled manpower is always welcomed which serves as an asset of the business concern.

Long Term Effect

The performance of the company depends upon effective decision-making quality. It is noted that skilled, laborious and well-motivated people become an asset to an organisation.

Potential Contribution

The idea about staff selection depends upon the ability of effective employees who can manage future challenges which are needed by an organisation.

FAQ Related to the Nature of Staffing

What are the natures of staffing?

The following is the nature of staffing:
1. People-Centred
2. Responsibility of the Manager
3. Human Skills
4. Continuous Function.

What is the importance of staffing?

The following is the importance of staffing:
1. Key to Other Managerial Functions
2. Building Healthy Human Relationships
3. Human Resources Development
4. Long-Term Effect
5. Potential Contribution.

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