8 Suggestions to Make EDPs Successful

Suggestions to Make EDPs Successful

These are the following suggestions to make EDPs successful:

  1. Emphasis on Stimulating, Supporting and Sustaining Activities
  2. Model-Based EDPs
  3. Focus on Achievement Motivation
  4. Designing Viable Projects
  5. Selection of Trainees
  6. Training of Trainers
  7. Organizing Part-Time Programmer
  8. Duration of EDPs

Emphasis on Stimulating, Supporting and Sustaining Activities

There should be a balance between stimulating, supporting, and sustaining activities to make EDPs successful. Stimulating activities comprise entrepreneurial education, publicity of entrepreneurial facilities, motivational training, and assistance in the identification of viable projects, creating a common platform for entrepreneurs where they can share their problems, experiences, and success.

Under supporting activities come various forms of support that can be extended to the potential entrepreneurs for setting up and running their units. Supporting activities include registration, funds, mobilization, license, tax relief incentives, and management consultancy services. Sustaining activities include expansion, diversification, modernization, and quality control.

Model-Based EDPs

Entrepreneurial development is an area where there is no ready-made solution available. The agency undertaking an EDP is expected to have an in-depth study of the demand pattern and availability of local resources. Any particular model of training that may be very successful in one area proves to be an utter failure in another area.

Focus on Achievement Motivation

In order to create the right impact on potential entrepreneurs it is essential to develop achievement motivation. Amongst them through proper training may be a very successful entrepreneur who will serve as a role model for others and they will like to follow him.

Designing Viable Projects

A viable project is a project that is feasible in terms of the availability of resources and market potential. A viable man has the requisite aptitude and competence to initiate a project.

The EDP organizers should prepare the projects keeping in mind local resources, finding, training requirements, and assessing the feasibility of the same. The entrepreneurial development agencies should select the right people impart the right training and entrust viable projects to them to make EDPs successful.

Selection of Trainees

Trainees should be selected after proper screening. Educated unemployed youth having an aptitude for self-employment should be preferred having a traditional background in the chosen economic activity should be preferred. Effort, money, and resources must not be wasted on those trainees, who lack requisite and commitment.

Training of Trainers

The success of EDPs depends on the trainers. They should be committed, competent, and qualified. Trainers must be fully acquainted with whatever is latest in their respective fields.

Organizing Part-Time Programmer

Part-time EDPs can definitely suit those people who are working or studying somewhere else. These EDPs can be conducted during weekends or in the evening. By providing part-time EDPs we can provide opportunities to those who cannot join any regular EDP.

Duration of EDPs

There are no shortcuts for entrepreneurial development. Under EDPs an attempt is made to provide self-employment to the unemployed through a series of activities involving the identification of potential entrepreneurs, providing them with the requisite training, development achievement motivation amongst them, and helping them in various ways to make them successful entrepreneurs.

Since it is a lengthy process the duration of EDPs should be increased to six months so that these may remain relevant and serve the purpose for which we are conducting these programs.

FAQs Section

What are the suggestions to make EDPs successful?

The following suggestions to make EDPs successful:
1. Emphasis on Stimulating, Supporting, and Sustaining Activities
2. Model-Based EDPs
3. Focus on Achievement Motivation
4. Designing Viable Projects
5. Selection of Trainees
6. Training of Trainers
7. Organizing Part-Time Programmer
8. Duration of EDPs.

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