4 Major Limitations of Organizational Behavior

Limitations of Organizational Behavior

Organizational behavior as a field of study should not be treated as a magic word that can erase all behavioral problems in an Organization. It is only a way to improve not an absolute answer to the problems. First, it is a part of the whole cloth of an Organization.

These are the following limitations of organizational behavior:

  1. Lack of Unified Theory
  2. Behavioral Bias
  3. Law of Diminishing Returns
  4. Unethical Manipulation of People
Limitations of Organizational Behavior
Limitations of Organizational Behavior

Lack of Unified Theory

Organizational behavior has not produced a unified theory that can be applied in a situation. However various theories developed in Organizational behavior lack this phenomenon This situation Is understandable as Organizational behavior deals with human behavior which is a very complex phenomenon.

This complexity increases if we take into account individual differences and dynamic situations in which the individuals work. Therefore, predicting human behavior correctly and consequently, concluding it effectively by using the knowledge of Organizational behavior falls short of desirable requirements.

Behavioral Bias

Managers who lack system understanding and become superficially infatuated with Organizational behavior may develop a bias, which gives them a narrow viewpoint that emphasizes satisfied employee experiences while overlooking the broader system of the Organization in relation to all its stakeholders.

Concern for employees can be so greatly overdone that the original objective of bringing people together to make them productive to increase Organizational outputs is lost. Sound Organizational behavior should help achieve Organizational goals, not replace them.

Law of Diminishing Returns

Overemphasis on Organizational behavior may produce negative results as indicated by the law of diminishing returns. It is a limiting factor in Organizational behavior the same way as it is in economics. In economics, the law of diminishing returns refers to a declining amount of extra output when more of a desirable input is added after a certain point.

At a point, there may be even zero extra output with an extra amount of input. The law of diminishing returns in Organizational behavior works in a similar manner.

It states that at a point, an increase of a desirable Organizational behavior practice produces declining returns eventually zero returns or even negative alter a point. This concept implies that for any situation, there is an optimum amount of desirable practice.

Unethical Manipulation of People

The philosophical orientation of behavior is supportive of human resources It seeks to improve the human environment and help people to grow to their potential. However, knowledge and techniques of Organizational behavior may be used for negative consequences too.

Since this is for knowledge and techniques for any field, this is not a specific limitation of Organizational behavior.

However, managers should take adequate safeguards to ensure that the knowledge and techniques of. Organizational behavior should not be manipulated by people as we have pointed out in ethical issues in organizational behavior.

FAQs About the Limitations of Organizational Behavior

What are the limitations of organizational behavior?

The following are the limitations of organizational behavior:
1. Lack of Unified Theory
2. Behavioral Bias
3. Law of Diminishing Returns
4. Unethical Manipulation of People.

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