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What are the Concepts of Communication?
The word communication means speaking or writing or sending a message to another person. Communication is really much more than that.
It involves ensuring that your message reaches the target audience and that the receiver understands and responds appropriately. Communication is an essential aspect of behavior; human communication is affected by all factors that influence human behavior.
General Definition of Communication
Communication is when people share messages to create meaning. The word “communication” comes from a Latin word that means “to make common” or “to share.” It’s considered a process because it involves activities and behaviors, and it’s always changing and evolving.
It doesn’t have a fixed beginning or end, and everything involved in communication affects everything else. So, communication is an ongoing and dynamic exchange of messages that helps people understand each other and create shared meaning.
Working Definition of Communication
Communication is when one person or group shares information with another using a symbol that both parties understand. The most important part of communication is making sure that the other person understands the message the way it was intended.
To transfer an idea, we use symbols like words, signs, pictures, or sounds. But both parties must agree on the meaning of those symbols, otherwise, there can be misunderstandings. So, communication is all about sharing information in a way that both parties understand and agree on the meaning.
Why do we need to communicate?
These are the following reasons why we need to communicate:

The foremost reason to communicate with other human beings in particular is their own survival. There is hardly any sense in believing that a person can all alone live life by fulfilling their daily life needs.
The fact is that every next moment a person is dependent on others to survive. Hence it is inevitable for all of us to bank on communication.
There is a very genuine instinct in all living creatures to cooperate to keep the cycle of life running. Humans need this more cautiously to keep their hard-felt sense of superiority.
The feeling of keeping a range of relationships from an individual to family and tribe was strong from the early days of human civilization.
It would have been extremely difficult to promote a lifestyle without acknowledging the relationships among people living together for some time. Communication was essential to identify relations among people to accomplish different tasks.
Communication proved handy in the course of persuasion and influenced others to keep human civilization growing. The task is done even today, though, with different techniques and in a rather complex world of communication.
Better communication helped people and tribes to command power over others. This phenomenon is more evident in the fields of conflict and bringing the enemy down. To muster support by using better communication skills has always been the hallmark of human interactivity.
Social needs grow at almost the same pace, as human culture and civilization nurture. History stands as testimony to the fact that the circle of human social needs expands as people try to live together in a more organized manner.
Communication is the common thing that knits societies to fulfill their desire to rise jointly.
In the more advanced world, as it is today, it is a piece of information a piece of communication, which brings relief to a human living in a score of ways.
Information about roads, and conditions, may help you change your traveling plan, for instance. A small bit of information may have a lifelong impression on your future business.
Decision Making
Decision-making is crucial, and in today’s world, effective communication plays a vital role in helping us make informed decisions.
It’s not just individuals, but families and nations that can draw important conclusions with the help of available communication on certain matters. This can ultimately lead to improved living standards and a more secure life for all human beings.
What is the Concepts of Communication?
The concept of communication refers to the various elements and processes involved in the exchange of information and ideas between people. There are several key concepts of communication, including Sender and Receiver, Message, Channel, Feedback, Context, and Noise.
Why do we need to communicate?
The following are the reasons why we need to communicate:
1. Survival
2. Co-operation
3. Relationships
4. Persuasion
5. Power
6. Social Needs
7. Information
8. Decision-Making.