Environmental Issues Related to Business

Environmental Issues

There are certain environmental issues that affect the business which will include:

  • Industrial waste
  • Sustainable development of raw materials
  • Water and air emissions.

Such types of issues will affect the business as these laws require businesses to change equipment and procedures so as to meet the imposed standards which involve much money in business.

Type of Environmental Issues Related to Business

The followings are the type of environmental issues related to business which are given below:

  1. Industrial Waste
  2. Sustainable Development of Raw Materials
  3. Water and Air Emissions
  4. Oil Crisis and Its Impact on Business
  5. Problems related to water resources management
  6. Air Pollution

Industrial Waste

Businesses that manufacture products create, at some point in the manufacturing process, manufacturing waste. Environmental laws and good environmental citizenship prohibit the indiscriminate dumping of manufacturing by-products, so businesses must decide how best to dispense with them.

any implement recycling programs; others sell what they can of the waste to other manufacturers who use it in their own manufacturing processes as a raw material.

Sustainable Development of Raw Materials

All manufacturers use raw materials to put together their goods. When these raw materials are natural, such as wood, laws and good environmental citizenship require that the business take measures to replace what it uses.

Christmas tree farms are a prime example, as sellers buy from growers who harvest and replant in order to keep from depleting entire forests of naturally occurring pine trees.

Water and Air Emissions

Manufacturing processes often generate air and/or water emissions, which include particle or chemical-filled smoke, ash and particles and chemicals that seep into groundwater through run-off. Environmental protection laws require businesses to protect the environment from exposure to these emissions.

The remedial process includes placing screens of specified gauges over smokestacks, filtration of wastewater and lining retention ponds with clay and poly liners.

New regulations are implemented frequently that require retrofitting of manufacturing facilities with increased protections, such as screens of even finer gauges and pond liners of newer and safer materials. All of these measures are costly to businesses and affect businesses first by decreasing profit margins.

Oil Crisis and Its Impact on Business

Some observers believe that the high dependence of most modern industrial transport, agricultural and industrial systems on relatively low cost and high availability of oil cause oil production to decline and results in severe increases in the price of oil that will have negative implications on the global economy.

Predictions vary greatly as to what exactly such negative effects result. It is analysed that when political and economic changes occur in reaction to high prices and shortages instead of reaction to threats, then the degree of economic damage to importing countries will mainly depend on rapid oil imports declination.

The oil exports drop more quickly as compared to production drops which result from domestic consumption in exporting countries. With this, the shortfalls of supply will cause extreme price inflation, unless demand is easy with planned conservation measures.

Problems related to water resources management

The presence and access to freshwater an important determinants of patterns of economic growth and social development. Water is an important resource for sustainable economic development in all sectors. Freshwater is a necessary input for

  • Industry and mining
  • Hydropower generation
  • Tourism
  • Subsistence and commercial agriculture
  • Fisheries and livestock production

such activities are central to livelihoods and human interest as they provide employment and contribute to national economies through, among other things, export earnings. Water is not only an economic good but also a social good. Safe water supply and appropriate sanitation are the most essential components for a healthy and prosperous life.

Cause of Water-Related Problems in India

The root cause of water-related problems in India arises as:

  1. Uneven Distribution of Water Availability: The availability of water in India carries large variations both in spatial and temporal. Growing water scarcity in India is gauged by fact that available water per capita per year has decreased from 6008m3 in 1947 to 2384m3 in 2000.

  2. Water Pollution: Water pollution results in serious dimensions in India with almost 70% of surface water resources and proportion of groundwater reserves being contaminated by biological, toxic organic and inorganic pollutants. Water pollution varies in severity from one region to other depending on the density of urban development, agricultural and industrial practices, and the systems for collecting and treating wastewater. Most of the polluted stretches exist in and around large urban areas.

  3. Excessive Groundwater Exploitation: It is found that large-scale extraction of groundwater leads to overdraft and a drastic fall in the water table in some basins. It creates a disordered situation in water-scarce hard-rock regions of southern India, where assured sources of surface irrigation are rare and rainfall is non-uniform. However, in Punjab, Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu, large areas fall under the dark category.

  4. Threat to Biodiversity and Wetlands: About 6.5% and 12.5% of the world’s animal and plant species, re- respectively, can be found in India. Out of these almost 7,000 are endemic to the subcontinent. Unfortunately, habitat destruction in both freshwater and coastal areas has endangered many endemic species. Most vulnerable are freshwater fish since they are more susceptible to water pollution and environmental change.

Air Pollution

Air pollution is present in the atmosphere that carries substances in ample concentrations which put in danger to human health and affect living matter and other materials. The main sources of air pollution are:

  • Power and heat generation
  • Burning of solid wastes
  • Industrial processes
  • Transportation

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