Decision-Making Process

A decision-making process is a systematic approach to identifying and choosing the best alternative from a set of available options. It involves a series of steps that are followed to arrive at a final decision. The process typically includes problem identification, information gathering, evaluation of alternatives, selection of the best alternative, and implementation of the

Process of Decision Making

Process of Decision Making

Table of Contents1 Process of Decision Making1.1 Identify Decision1.2 Gather Relevant Information1.3 Identify Alternatives1.4 Choose Among Alternatives1.5 Implementation of Decision1.6 Follow Up1.7 Review Your Decision and Its Consequences2 Principles of Decision Making2.1 Principle of Definition2.2 Principle of Evidence2.3 Principle of Identity2.4 Proper Communication System2.5 Sufficient Time2.6 Analysis of the Objectives and Policies2.7 Analytical Study of