Why People Resist Change?

Resistance to Organisational Change In organizations resistance to change is any attitude or behavior that indicates an unwillingness to make or support a desired change, Change agents often view any such resistance as something that must be ‘overcome in order for change to be successful Managers of the organization face the problem of resistance to

Resistance to Change: Sources, 6 Strategies, Reasons

What is Resistance to Change in Organizations? In the management of change effectively, the managers face the problem of resistance to change. People tend to resist many types of changes because new habits or sacrifices are required. Resistance to change involves employee behavior designed to discredit, delay or prevent the changes introduced for the development

Effective Implementation of Change in Organizations

Effective Implementation of Change in Organizations Implementing organizational change to facilitate an organization’s goals and objectives presents many challenges to gain company-wide acceptance. Taking a holistic approach to the process can assist companies with adopting the right mindset right from the get-go. The following represents some basic guidelines for implementing organizational change: Top-Down Approach It

12 Ways to Managing Resistance to Change

In the management of change effectively, the managers face the problem of resistance to change. People tend to resist many types of changes because new habits or sacrifices are required. Similarly, social systems tend to resist change because of homeostasis. Homeostasis implies the self-correcting characteristics of an organism to maintain equilibrium as a result of

Organizational Culture: Dimensions, 5 Determinants, Characteristics, Factors Affecting

Organizational culture is essential for the development of any organization. Rapidly changing environments and continuing insights into organizational effectiveness, organizations are seriously rethinking what they do and how they can best define and accomplish their goals and objectives. Once goals are defined, it is necessary to address the type of culture that is necessary to

Organizational Culture: Definitions, Elements, 8 Types, Characteristics

What is Organizational Culture? Organizational culture is a system of shared assumptions, values, and beliefs, which governs how people behave in organizations. These shared values have a strong influence on the people in the organization and dictate how they dress, act, and perform their jobs. Every organization develops and maintains a unique culture, which provides

Factors Affecting Organizational Culture

Organizational culture is the shared values, beliefs, assumptions, and norms that shape the behavior and functioning of an organization. It plays a vital role in influencing the work environment, employee behavior, decision-making processes, and overall organizational success. Factors Affecting Organizational Culture These are the serval factors affecting organizational culture: Working Groups Working groups take various

7 Major Dimensions of Societal Culture

Dimensions of Societal Culture Societal culture is a complex and multi-dimensional concept that encompasses various aspects of a society’s beliefs, values, norms, customs, traditions, language, arts, and social institutions. While cultural dimensions can vary depending on the context and specific society being studied, the following are some key dimensions commonly used to analyze and understand

Operant Conditioning: Principles, Classical Conditioning

What is Operant Conditioning? An operant is defined as a behavior that produces effects. Operant conditioning, basically a product of Skinnerian psychology, suggests that individuals emit responses that are either not rewarded or are punished. Operant conditioning is a voluntary behavior and it is determined, maintained, and controlled by its consequences. Operant conditioning is a