Industrial Policies: Resolution in India 1948 to 1991,

What Do You Mean by Industrial Policies? Industrial policy is an important document that lays a wide canvas and sets a tone for implementing promotional or regulatory roles of the government. The term “industrial policy” refers to the government’s policy towards industries – their establishment, functioning, growth, and management. The policy indicates the respective areas

Environmental Issues Related to Business

Environmental Issues There are certain environmental issues that affect the business which will include: Such types of issues will affect the business as these laws require businesses to change equipment and procedures so as to meet the imposed standards which involve much money in business. Type of Environmental Issues Related to Business The followings are

Economic Environment: Concepts, Systems, Types

What is Economic Environment? Economic environment refers to all those economic factors which have a bearing on the functioning of a business unit. Business depends on the economic environment for all the needed inputs. It also depends on the economic environment to sell the finished goods. Naturally, the dependence of business on the economic environment

Financial Environment: Meaning, Types, Features, Functions

What is Financial Environment

The financial environment is an important part of an economy, where the major participants are the business firms, investors and the market.

Problems of Growth in Business Environment

What are the Problems of Growth in Business Environment? Growth is the main aim of a business. Not every growth is required, but it certainly comes with disruptions. In certain companies, adjusting to growth is a matter of inputting new employees and promoting experienced employees into management. It is seen that in small companies like

Business Environment: Definitions, Types, Importance, Micro and Macro Environment

What is Business Environment

What do you mean by Business Environment? The business Environment is the sum total of all external and internal factors that influence a business. These factors such as external factors and internal factors can influence each other and work together to affect a business. For example, health and safety regulation is an external factor that