23 Important Principles of Business Ethics

These are the set of principles and practices; that determine acceptable behavior in the business organization. It guides the managers and other executives in making everyday business decisions. It stresses on the impact of the business decision on the stakeholders, such as employees, consumers, government, society, investors, shareholders, and so on. Principles of Business Ethics

Questions To Ask an Entrepreneur and Answers

Most people believe that to be an entrepreneur, one requires a professor’s intelligence, a fortune-teller’s capacity to foresee the future, a rich man’s bankroll, a salesman’s persuasiveness, a financial talent for manipulating funds, an auditor’s precision, a political leader’s power and the magnetic personality of a film star. Since very few people possess even one

Target Group: Development Program

What is Target Group? In an entrepreneurial development programme, the target group refers to the group of persons for whom the programme is designed and undertaken. Every target group has its own needs and constraints. Therefore, the programme designed for one group might be inappropriate for other groups. Target Group Before the programme is designed

Human Resource Factors in Entrepreneur | Explained

Human Resource Factors in Entrepreneur These are the inherited or acquired traits. Research reveals the following human resources factors that influence entrepreneurial success: Achievement-Motivation It is the urge to improve oneself in relation to a goal. It includes both personal achievement and social achievement. It is the basis of entrepreneurship as entrepreneurs with high needs

Socio-Personal Characteristics | Explained

Socio-Personal Characteristics The most common socio-personal characteristics are caste, family occupation, age, education, size and number of family working hands, earning members, and social participation. A brief description of these characteristics is given below: Caste and Family Background Caste and family background help in creating an entrepreneurial environment and occupational awareness for the entrepreneurs. There