Principles of Scientific Management

Principles of Scientific Management Taylor propounded four principles of scientific management. The main principles are discussed below: Replace Old Thumb Rule System Taylor advised that the thumb rule should not be given space in organisations. He was of the view to mean the rule of thumb is guessing, traditional belief without proper reasoning, or rough

7 Classical Theory of Management

Classical Theory of Management

Classical Theory of Management The fundamental objections against the classical theory are discussed below: Narrow View of Organization The value of a classical theory is limited by its narrow concentration on the anatomy of formal organization. In order to achieve rationality, the classical writers ignored the human relations aspect. The interplay of individual personality, informal

Bureaucratic Approach to Management

Bureaucratic Approach to Management

Bureaucratic management refers to a management style characterized by a highly centralized and structured organization, with a clear hierarchy and a strong emphasis on rules and regulations. This type of management is often associated with large public sector organizations, but can also be found in private sector companies that have complex operations and a need

4 Approaches to Management: Classical, Scientific, Administrative, Bureaucratic

Approaches to Management

Management involves a wide variety of activities. Theorists and academic authors have contributed to the study of management. There are a variety of writings available on management techniques. The various approaches to management and differing views have only added to the confusion about what management is all about. It isn’t surprising to know that a

7 Techniques of Scientific Management

Techniques of Scientific Management

Techniques of Scientific Management Based on his experience on the shop floor Taylor has suggested the following 7 techniques of scientific management: Scientific Study and Planning of Work The management should study each element of work scientifically and decide the daily standard output for each worker. For this purpose time and motion study should be

Techniques of Coordination

Techniques of Coordination

Techniques of Coordination The following are the important techniques of coordination which are widely used by modern management: Coordination by Common Purpose The oldest, as well as the most important device for achieving coordination, is the supervisor. The main duty of a supervisor is to see that his subordinates are working in an efficient manner.